13 Jun

First up on the review roster is DEJ MONAE!!!!!

So I went to go do my research to see if this young one can sing (because you know how half the world think they can sing and anyone can sound amazing with some autotune and vocoding, and plugins, etc.) and I really like what I hear. Here is the PROOF:

Dej Monae has been making waves in the Midwest. Her debut project, released in early 2017 and music boasts of more than 300k streams across digital platforms and brought her to perform at the House of Blues, the Capri Theatre, the Taste of Chicago, and various venues across the nation. Dej is back with two new singles to kick off the summer.

THE RAW & UNCUT : My Opinion

 I can definitely say I will be adding her to my R&B playlist on the streaming. Dej Monae is a beautiful young vibrant thing but definitely focused and I can not wait to see her expand to higher heights.  Her voice is definitely authentic yet relaxing with a smooth 90's throwback. 

Check out her latest video "Whoa" and  follow her on social media @dejmonae

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